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CASE STUDY: How Tulchan Communications moved 30 places up our UK's Best Workplacesâ„¢  rankings

13 May 2020

In just one year, the team at Tulchan Communications LLP has made astonishing developments in their workplace culture, using data-driven insights from our ÐÓ°É UK employee survey programme. 

Download the case study below to find out how this Medium-sized organisation moved 30 places up the rankings in our list.


Blog Infographics (Tulchan Case Study - New Logo Version - PNG)


"The ÐÓ°É initiative provided us with detailed information of what exactly we could do to strengthen both our hiring processes and our retention practices."

- Ruth Royston, Management Partner at Tulchan Communications LLP


What's unique about the Best Workplacesâ„¢ Programme?

A great employee experience provides the greatest competitive advantage for your business. It's especially important in times of uncertainty, such as during the pandemic, to measure and understand what employees are feeling. No other workplace recognition programme compares what leaders think they are delivering with what is actually being experienced by employees. Our consultants work closely with our clients to provide data-driven, objective insights into their organisation's unique culture. In addition to providing recognition, we share best practices, identify key areas for improvement and uncover blind spots that may need extra attention.


How do we determine a UK Best Workplaceâ„¢?

Our evaluation process is heavily based on the employee experience. Through our employee experience surveys, we capture employee feedback as well as organisational practices that make up a truly impactful workplace culture. 

Since we have four different size categories (Small, Medium, Large and Super Large) the benchmarks we use are relevant to your organisation's size. Based on the specific threshold for your size category and the outcome of your Culture Audit©, you can earn recognition as a , as well as receive automatic entry into our other lists, including: UK's Best Workplacesâ„¢ for Women, UK's Best Workplacesâ„¢in Tech and Excellence in Wellbeing.


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Contact Us today to learn more about how your organisation can be recognised as a 2021 UK's Best Workplaceâ„¢.

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