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UK's Best Workplaces™ 2022

The differences that bold leadership and a culture driven by shared values and a sense of purpose can make to organisations are clear. Download the report find out how the UK's Best Workplaces™️ are putting those principles into practice.


Best Workplaces™ 2022

To determine the 2022 UK’s Best Workplaces™, Ӱ® analysed confidential survey feedback shared by 100,000 employees working across the United Kingdom.

Employees responded to over 60 survey questions describing the extent to which their organisation creates a ‘great place to work’ For All™. Eight-five percent of the evaluation is based on what employees say about their experiences of trust and reaching their full human potential as part of their organisation, no matter who they are or what they do. Ӱ® analysed these experiences relative to each organisation’s size, workforce makeup, and what’s typical relative to their industry peers. The remaining 15% of an organisation’s rank is based on an assessment of employees’ daily experiences of innovation, the company’s values, and the effectiveness of their leaders, to ensure a consistent experience across departments and seniority levels. To be considered eligible for Best Workplace™ recognition, companies first had to meet the Ӱ-Certified™ standard of accreditation. Once Certified™, each company undergoes a rigorous assessment of their culture, during which review any anomalies in survey responses, news, and financial performance of each business to ensure there aren’t any extraordinary reasons to believe we couldn’t trust a company’s survey results.

Companies with 20-50 employees were considered for the Small size category; companies with 51-250 employees were considered for the Medium size category; companies with 251-1000 employees were considered for the Large size category; and companies with 1001+ employees were considered for the Super Large size category.

Best Workplaces 2022

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